Old Jaffa

Shabbat Shalom. It is Friday evening and the start of Shabbat. Most stores in Israel shut down on Friday afternoon and don't reopen until Saturday after sunset. With Tel Aviv being such a secular city, it is still busy.

The first thing we did this morning was walk across the street and put our feet in the Mediterranean. It was cold but delightful.

It was a lazy morning - waking up at 9:30 and spending most of the day in the old port city of Jaffa. Jaffa is the port where Jonah left from when he ran away from God. It's a short book in the Old Testament and worth the time to read it ... or for a bit of entertainment, listen to this little girl read it to you - here.

It is also where Peter raised Tabitha from the dead (Acts 29:40) and Simon the Tanner's house where Peter stayed (Acts 10:15). Saint Peters church is a Roman Catholic Church built over a 1,000 years ago.

Jaffa is known for its beautiful cobblestone streets and narrow alleys. Last time we were here we saw a beautiful bride being photographed by one of the blue doors.

Because it was Shabbat we treated ourselves to a seafood dinner right on the Jaffa seaport. The fish (served whole) was from the Mediterranean and the Israeli salad could have made a meal all by itself. 

We leave early tomorrow morning for Haifa.


  1. I just shut my eyes.....as the sun sets in Estes Park on Shabbat .....I can smell the sea.
    So glad you’re there.


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